Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Schools out for summer!

C started summer break last week and I don't know about any other parents but this is one year that we are glad to say goodbye to. In case you didn't know it, 3rd grade is rough. Third grade is when the FCAT (Florida's version of standardized testing) begins and it stresses these kids out from the first day of school. Up until the 3rd grade school was smooth sailing but C is a perfectionist therefore very meticulous in his work and that doesn't work well with timed tests. We spent most of the school year practicing doing math problems in a timed setting and at times it was stressful for all of us. Thankfully, he had a GREAT teacher who always pushed him to do his best and was supportive when he had his moments.
I am so very happy and proud to report that not only did he pass the FCATS but he got the highest score in math and the second highest score in reading! To add to great FCAT scores he also was awarded the Most Improved Student in his class and made the honor roll for the last 2 marking periods. Honor Roll in his school is very special because his principal not only requires As and Bs but also you can't have an N (for Not satisfactory) on any of the behavioral/work habits categories. So we are very proud of the new 4th grader in our house.

So what do 4th graders do for Summer vacation? He'll be spending his days where he usually spends summer break, at a Community Center near our office. He’s been going there since Kindergarten and as he gets older he likes it more. They swim, play computer games, play sports and take field trips. This summer is a little different than most because usually my niece comes to stay with us for the summer and goes to camp with him but my SIL wasn’t able to afford it this year. We all miss her especially C who liked having another kid in the house to swim and play games with.
In July he’ll be going for his first overnight camp for a week. It’s with our church to a Christian camp out of state and I’m a little nervous but really glad he’s getting this opportunity. Besides that we’ll just be enjoying the fact that there is no homework so we can swim and play games in the evenings.

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