Friday, April 2, 2010

7 Months Old

So A turns 8 months old tomorrow, but I never had a chance to post when she turned 7 months old. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait until she's almost 9 months old to post the 8 month pictures. Here she is in our monthly photo sessions. I'm so happy I bought these stickers because it reminds me to take pictures every month and I'm not guessing her age like I do with C's pics. We took her to the Dr. on Saturday for some congestion and she weighed 16lbs, 5oz. So she gained exactly one pound since her 6 month visit. We call her our little peanut, she is so tiny I sent her to school on picture day a few weeks back in a size 0-3 month dress.

In the last month she has changed so much. She learned how to drink from her sippy cup and she loves drinking water. Anytime one of us has a bottle of water she gets all excited and tries to grab it from us. Eating food, on the other hand is a different story. She hates the jarred baby food. In the beginning she would eat some fruits and veggies but once it was time to introduce meats she regressed. I read somewhere that sometimes breastfed babies get so accustomed to the seasonings and flavors in breastmilk that they don't do well with the bland baby foods. That has proven to be true so far becasue when we give her something with seasonings and flavor she usually takes them well. I say usually because right now she is refusing almost everything. It's such a challenge when I have to pack her bag for daycare because I don't know if she's going to eat it or not. She does love to feed herself puffs and pancakes, so I call her my carbalicious baby.  I think she has seasonal allergies like L & C beacuse she is very congested and always rubbing her face. So, I'm not pushing mealtime while I know she's under the weather. We'll try again once the pollen counts go down and she's feeling better. 
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These days this is the postion she is in most often.  Whenever we sit her up to play with her toys she pushes herself forward. Somtimes landing on her face and most times ending up just like this; trying to pull up onto her knees so my guess is she'll be crawling before we know it. This month she also started talking a lot more, she says mama, dada and baba. She loves playing with her toys and she is crazy about her big brother. As soon as she sees him her face lights up and she laughs at just about everything he does.

Other updates from her last month:
*Just moved into a size 3 diaper and starting to wear size 6-9 month clothes
*Loves hanging out on the floor playing with toys
*Favorite toy is mommys cell phone which she frequently gets in her mouth and fills the ear piece with saliva so mommy can't hear anything

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