Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday A

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.

1 Samuel 1:27 NIV

Abby baby

I can’t believe it’s been four years since A was born. I’m going to split her birthday post into 2 different posts because we really did celebrate her birthday for the whole week.

She turned 4 on August the 3rd and her party was still a week away so we decided to spend the day at a place that has quickly become one of our favorite spots this summer: Kelly Park. I had been there a few times as a kid, when we would come down to Orlando to visit family. But since we moved here 17 years ago I don’t think I’ve been. And when we went a few months ago at the beginning of summer we realized what a hidden treasure it is. Abby loves it, too, so she wanted to spend her birthday there with the family.

Before she woke up that morning I decorated the kitchen and living room for her and we gave her one of her gifts.

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After that we all loaded up and headed to Kelly Park to be there before they opened. It’s a very popular spot so we made sure to get there early and there was still quite a line ahead of us. Once the gates were opened we got it and found a perfect spot next to the volleyball court.

We spent most of the day going down the springs, grilling, eating and spending time with family. Until around 3 when the Florida skies opened up and we were rained out.


A opening her gifts from family

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A and her cousins at Kelly Park

We spent the rest of the day at home relaxing and I made this cake for after dinner that night.

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Once the day was over and my sweet girl was in bed, I couldn’t help myself but to go stare at her sleeping and remember how special that day was four years ago. For so many years it was just C and I still can’t believe that God blessed us with this amazing little girl who fills our hearts and completes our family.

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