Friday, March 1, 2013

Five Question Friday, March 1st!

Seriously, how is it March already? I’m participating in my first Five Question Friday as a way to connect with other bloggers. Sooooo, here goes!


1. What was the most productive thing you have done this week? Great, let’s start with the challenging question right out of the gate. I came back from our weekend away Sunday night, used Monday to relax, unpack and celebrate our anniversary and spent the rest of the week feeling so behind. So I would have to say that the fact that I got dinner on the table every night was pretty darn productive.
2. Enjoying the winter or ready for spring? Winter, what is that? We live in Florida we have had 10 days of cold and all of them were sandwiched between summer-like (like 88 degrees) days. But this weekend we are due for temps in the mid 30s so I will be enjoying those because it will probably be our last.
3. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Is your spouse the same as you? I’m mostly an introvert by nature but once I’m comfortable I’ll come out of my shell…a little. My hubby, total opposite, extrovert who loves people, all people.
4. Would you rather go without music or television for 1 year? Television, for sure. I’ve been trying for a while to cut the cable in our home because I think it’s so counterproductive. But, a year without worship music, Marc Anthony, or Corrine Bailey Rae – never!
5. Have you ever been truly scared of someone? Hmmm, that’s a pretty personal question, we are digging deep this week! As a teenager, yes, but I don’t really want to go into much more detail than that.

Well, that was fun and painless for my first time. I think I might make this a regular habit.

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