Thursday, June 17, 2010

Catching up

It has been way too long since I've had a chance to blog! Life has been hectic, in the most amazing way possible but I turned 30 yesterday and one of my goals is to start blogging more often. I'm terrible with journaling and keeping up with A's baby book but I love to look back and reminisce so blogging works out. The problem is that I am a perfectionist and since my page doesn't look exactly how I envisioned it I don't share it and since I'm not sharing it I have no motivation to keep up with it. I'll be working on that too.

The last few months have been lots of fun and I just can't believe how fast time flies. A is now 10 months old and crawling everywhere. C finished the 3rd grade and ended the school year with a bang. I'll do seperate posts for each of them though. The last time I posted was April 2nd so I'll wrap up what we've been up to briefly.

We celebrated Easter a little different this year, we had a family dinner on the Saturday night called an Easter Seder. It's a Jewish tradition, but some Christians practice this as well. We sat around a big table and went through a ceremonial meal where each item on the plate represented something specific. Here's what our plates looked like:

All of the adults and children were involved and had a part in the meal and it was very interesting. Afterwards we ate dinner and sang hymns and choruses together. It was a great family time praising God and fellowshipping together.  On Easter we went to church and went out to lunch at TGIFridays with my parents, brother, aunt and uncle.

Some other happenings in April:

We helped our great friends Lucy and Kenneth move into their new house in preparation for Baby Gaby.
Celebrated my moms birthday at Bahama Breeze (A had a stomach bug so L stayed home with her)
Lucy & Kenneth welcomed Baby Gaby into the world, and we are just so excited for them.
I finally got an iPhone and I LOVE it.
I started using the Wii Fit and lost 9.5 pounds!
We officially opened our pool for the summer season

May was a month full of birthdays and fun. We started out the month getting together to celebrate my Grandpas 82nd birthday and my brothers 28th birthday. We had lots of fun at one of our favorite cuban restaurants.

On Mother's Day we went to church and afterwards my parents and brother and L's mom and brother came over. We ate and swam and celebrated L's brother Jose's birthday. He has cancer and was going to be spending his birthday undergoing some intense chemo so we wanted to celebrate with him early and I'm glad we did. Here he is with his girlfriend and her daughter.

A few weeks later we left on our family vacation cruise. We took a 4 night cruise on the Carnival Sensation with my parents, my brother, and my aunt, uncle and little cousin. We had a great time and I will add pics to our family site. Here we all are right before we left, Christian was feeling a little sick on the first day, but he recovered quickly and really enjoyed himself.

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