Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines 2013

We love because He first loved us 1 John 4:19

Happy Valentines Day to you, I hope this day is filled with love and blessings that will last all year long. We started our celebration this morning with warm cinnamon rolls and fruit at home. Both kids had their own mailbox at the table and it was filled with reasons whey we love them written on paper hearts. We’ll record those reasons in their memory books so they can see over the years how much they mean to us.

Picture 914 Since C is in Middle School now, there are no more class parties but he did purchase a box of chocolates to share with all of his friends.

A does have a class party this afternoon and here are the treats we made for that party and the valentines she gave out.

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Picture 891

The little cards on the valentines that she gave out had cute sayings, like:

You’re the milk to my cookie      You’re the Macaroni to my Cheese

You’re the Bread to my Butter  &  You’re the Peanut Butter to my Jelly

Always the quick thinking funny guy, C suggested one that says you’re the Chick to my Fil-A. Hopeless romantic that he is, love his sense of humor.

L and I went out to lunch alone and came home with a card that he handmade and wrote a very special letter to me. It was so nice to receive something handmade, I think we’ll make that our new tradition. For the kids we bought them each a little gift. For C it was a gift card to Wawa (big deal for my middle schooler) and for A it was her first cross necklace which she loved.

 Picture 826

For dinner we did our usual tradition of a family candle lit dinner at home. As we ate dinner the kids read their hearts with all of the reasons why we loved them and after dessert we taped all of those hearts on their doors.


One week from today we will be headed to Destin, FL for the Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaway. We are very excited as it coincides with our 7 year wedding anniversary and we’ve never been to Destin. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful so we can enjoy the resort and the beach.

Hope you all had a day full of love and remembered to give God the glory for the love that he fills us with and freely gives to us.

And in my ongoing quest to overcome perfectionism, here’s one last picture of A that any other year I wouldn’t have posted due to the little mess in the back that you probably wouldn’t have seen if I didn’t point it out, but it would have driven me crazy.

Picture 910

Peace & Blessings……

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